Within SPACE-S, you will find 402 housing units. There are flats, lofts, live-and-work combinations, rooms and studios for students and housing with assisted living. There are communal washing machines and shared bicycle storage for students.
SPACE-S is much more than just bricks and mortar! Space-S was developed in co-creation with future residents. In 2012, we started with an empty plot of land, asking future residents: how do you want to live here? What should your neighborhood look like? What about your home? And how do you envision living alongside your neighbors?
Through meetings and online collaboration, we worked together with residents to design the concept and define the community’s DNA. Now, the construction is complete. Between November 2016 and June 2017, residents received their keys. Today, residents manage much of the community themselves, including the rental of homes.
Project details
Apartments and student housing
Live-work combinations and one commercial space